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Teak Garden Patio Outdoor Furniture

2020-06-20 12:14:00

7 Phase Stage Wood to be an Artworks

In the whole Furniture industry, The process of logging work to be a furniture product that has a high price and artistic value is a long process step and requires high accuracy so that it can produce good quality. Here I want to describe how all the stages of the process are running and how to arrange for some very important processes not to be missed.

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Manufacturing Process of Teak Outdoor Furniture

From logging and sawmilling to the final finishing touches, each step requires precision and care. Below, we explore the key stages involved in creating teak furniture, ensuring the highest standards of craftsmanship and quality.


Logged wood commonly called log (log) and from here the process of making furniture begins. Logs are distributed to a factory or sawmill using special transport both on land and through the river. Some companies are peeling the log shells to dry faster during the trip. Usually, buyers want to immediately process the log a few days after logs arrive in the sawmill and kiln dry. To avoid damage and cracks, log cross sections are given 'worm spikes' as a safety.


Then the log is split (Sawmilling) according to the required size. Standard board thickness at the time of log division is 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 15 cm. In the sawmill area, the cleavage boards are separated according to the thickness and type of wood to facilitate the setting within the kiln dry. For factories that have large production capacity, having a sawmill will assist production efficiency both in terms of material usage and production speed. Before entering the drying chamber, the boards and beams are kept outdoors in order for the water content to evaporate due to the temperature and air temperature outside the room. This is usually only done in the summer. In order for wood quality to wake up, the longest is 1 week after sawmill, wood should be dried. The faster the processed wood will be better so there is no time for fungi and insects to attack the wood.


Any kind of wood must go through a drying process (Kiln Dry). The thing to note is the size of board thickness, stacking method, and drying method. Softwood tends to break easily if the drying process is too fast. Wood drying takes between 2 to 4 weeks, affected by wood type, board thickness, and dryer capacity. A good drying method is to use the correct equipment. In some small wood industries, it is common to dry enough wood by leaning against a wall or pole and relying on sunlight. But this way can not produce the ideal MC level for wood. Drying methods also vary and each has advantages and disadvantages. Swan Dry Timber should be stored in a clean, dry and well-ventilated place, safe from heat and rain for drying the wood can be well preserved.


Next Component Process (cut, split, drag, drill etc). The size of the wood is cut and cut according to the size of the product being worked on. If for example, the finished size of a table foot is 700 x 40 x 40 mm, then the components to be prepared are 720 x 45 x 45mm so that there is tolerance for the process of drawing and sandpaper. To obtain this size the carpenter will take dry board sheets with a 45mm thickness to split in a chainsaw or ripsaw into a 45mm width. From the process will be obtained bar/wood beam size 45x45mm. After that, the beam is brought to the cutting saw machine for the cut with a length of 720mm. The short beams are then sent to a sharp machine (planer, thicknesser or other similar) to get a finished size with a smooth surface without a saw. Completed shrink (depending on product type too), the component is transferred to a drilling machine, or a pen engine (tensioner & mortise) to make the construction. If basically the construction process is completed, all components will end up in the sandpaper machine before the assembly is done.


Assembling process. Furniture with knock down construction is not completely through this process. It is possible that some components need to be assembled before finishing, some are assembled only after the finishing process. In general, the assembly process is done before finishing so that when the component is smooth it will no longer be deformed due to scratches. Assembling becomes one of the key product quality especially on the strength and durability of the product. This process requires patience so that the use of glue is very precise and not too excessive. In addition, the quality of the connection meeting / open will only be fixed in this process.

From the entire furniture process, an assembly is a relatively long and complicated process. For 'fixed' products, hardware installation is also part of the assembly process especially for mounting hinges, locks, and other binding devices. In the assembly area, Drawer problems and door fitting should be done perfectly. There is no need for any improvement after exiting the assembly room. For chair products, for example, the seat must be in a state of strong and stable (not rocking) before entering the finishing room. To meet the quality standards, there will be many additional processes at the time of assembly.


 The basic process of making the next furniture is the final settlement or often called finishing. Finishing is a wood surface finish coating process that aims to beautify the wooden surface while providing furniture protection from insect attack or air humidity. In some types and types of furniture, the finishing process must be done before the components are assembled. This is done because finishing is easier to do before components are assembled.


Regardless of the finishing process, the product is moved to the packing section. Inside this area, some accessories (locks, handles, rails etc.) and other fixtures are reassembled. The types of packing used also depend on the final destination and the level of quality of teak furniture. More expensive and further shipping locations require stronger and more robust packaging.

The whole process should be done on the manufacture of wood into a work of art teak furniture to get the maximum quality possible and in the end, satisfy the customers. The process becomes an important key to the durability and quality of teak wood furniture. The end result that does not go through the complete process can make an interesting first impression but not last long.

Teak furniture finishing process

Recommendations for Teak Wood Furniture Stores

It's time to elevate your space with premium selections with teak wood furniture. Discover the finest teak wood furniture at Kusuma Furniture, where quality meets elegance. Don't wait any longer, visit Kusuma Furniture today and transform your home into a haven of beauty and comfort.

Registered : Jl. Dr. Susanto No. 81 Pati, Indonesia.

Operational : Jl. Penjawi 459A Pati, Indonesia

Factory : Ds. Ngabul RT.2 / RW.7 Ngabul, Jepara, Indonesia

Office Phone : (+62) 295 383411

Factory Phone : (+62) 291 4260088


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